?In 1993 by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, BSTU started to train professionals for printing industry. In 2000, the Faculty of Printing and Publishing was established. It is the first and the only faculty in our country that provides the ideal launching pads for careers in printing and packaging industries, book publishing, printing machines and equipment. In 2016 the Rector of Belarusian State Technological University initiated the reorganization of the Faculty of Printing and Publishing into the Faculty of Print Technology and Media Communications. The study programs of the Faculty reflect the state of the art of modern information society and media environment.
The term ?printing? implies the process of manufacturing printed products. Various methods of information replication and the corresponding specialized equipment are used in many production areas, for example: in the development of packages for any industrial goods (from a box of elite cosmetics to a plastic cup with yogurt); in the manufacture of souvenir products (printing on T-shirts, mugs, ballpoint pens, etc.); in the production of securities (from a coupon by bus and lottery ticket to banknotes). Now the printed product is a part of a larger package in which the advantages of information and communication technologies are used with maximum efficiency (online versions of magazines; newspaper accounts in social networks, etc.). With the advent of digital information systems and the Internet, the scope of publishing activities has expanded significantly.
Printing industry engineers are engaged in the design, organization and management of the process of manufacturing printed products at printing enterprises and enterprises using print and media technologies. Our graduates know and can apply:
? printing production technology;
? technologies for the production of labels, packaging and packaging process;
? technologies for manufacturing printed products with protection against counterfeiting;
? restoration of publishing products;
? technologies of production of promotional and souvenir products;
? special printing methods, etc.
An electromechanical engineer ensures the operation of equipment, modern digital devices, software for transmitting and processing information at printing and any enterprises using print and media technologies.
Our graduates know and can manage:
? machines, equipment and information processing systems of printing production;
? print media systems and complexes;
? equipment for packaging production;
? digital systems for processing, storing and transmitting information.
An editor analyzes the structure and content of the information space, brings the author’s work to perfection, organizes advertising and promotion of book, magazine and newspaper products, websites. Our graduates can do:
? editing and computer processing of text and graphic information of book publications;
? editing and computer processing of text and graphic information of newspaper and magazine publications;
? editing visual and textual information of websites;
? advertising and promotion of printed and electronic publications.
? Development of methods and technologies that improve the quality of functioning of control systems for printing processes and equipment;
? Influence of the fractal structure of the printed contact surfaces on the ink transfer process;
? Image processing and optimal control systems for the printing equipment based on multiprocessor computing clusters;
? Training and testing system for training and retraining of polygraphic specialists;
? Development of methods and devices that increase the efficiency of ultrasonic processing of flexographic polymer printing plates;
? Creation of brandbooks of enterprises and organizations;
? Theoretical problems of modern Belarusian spelling;
? Analysis of the activities of the author and editor, analysis of the reader’s interests of children’s and fiction books.